Make Your Own Twine Games! is the first in a series of three books on game-making aimed at kids. The books teach tools that are totally free and can be used entirely online (the other two in the series are Scratch and PuzzleScript). Caitlin Rose Boyle's illustrations center black and brown girls, who rarely get to see themselves in these kinds of books.


Everyone makes games

Getting started with Twine

The world we live in is not always the best place, and it can be easy to lose hope and joy. Making art—whether that's games, comics, zines, music, stories, or just a little garden in your window—helps us remember that we're capable of creating beautiful things. It reminds us to feel wonder for our surroundings and ourselves.

The older you get, the less time you have for play and creating things that don't make money. Get in the habit of making nad doing, and hold onto it as you grow older! It's never too late to start. Making art will increase your enjoyment for life. For real.

Game development

String variables



Make Your Own Twine Games! is available from the publisher's page or at your local bookstore.